Prepare Yourself Towards Next Level To Grow Capacity - Infinity.You.Soul

This blog is to bring mental peace and positivity towards our surrounding

Saturday 17 March 2018

Prepare Yourself Towards Next Level To Grow Capacity


A small time dealer in cement, who had been praying for an opportunity to expand, felt a strong urge to speak to a business executive for assistance.

The executive, who knew about the woman's diligence and her commitment to church and other activities, readily offered to help.

He informed her that he had contact with a cement manufacturing company and was ready to guarantee a suppliers' credit line for her to purchase a thousand bags at a time on a thirty-day credit basis.

This was a golden opportunity for the woman who had previously restricted herself to only a few bags at a time on a strictly cash basis.

She looked at him in disbelief and insisted that she could only handle thirty bags at a time.

The shocked executive took time to explain the modalities and the opportunity being offered but the woman could only bring herself to think about a maximum of 50 bags.
She was obviously not prepared herself for the blessing she had been diligently praying for.

She therefore had not built any capacity in terms of storage, management skills, sales contacts and everything else required to handle a thousand bags.
Yet this was someone who spent all her time praying for God's blessings to help her expand her business.

There are many who find themselves in similar situations.

They have great desires and aspirations concerning the things they want to do, places they wish to travel to and business ventures they want to undertake.

However, the missing factor is that they pray for and look forward to opportunities without any form of preparation.
They do not build the commensurate structures, systems and capacity to contain what they seek for.


As a result, they could find themselves suddenly faced with opportunities to travel only to realize they have no passport.

Business opportunities could open to them but end up going to someone else because they do not have a registered company, bank account or some other requirement.

As you pray for a car, a good first step would be to learn how to drive and get a valid driver's license.

Key Thought. Prepare for the next level by investing in everything required to take advantage of opportunities that may come your way.

Culled from "THE TURNING POINT" by Albert & Comfort Ocran © 2010

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