Core Of Your Heart Desires - Part One - Infinity.You.Soul

This blog is to bring mental peace and positivity towards our surrounding

Saturday 20 January 2018

Core Of Your Heart Desires - Part One

Before you start seeing outward signs of success, you have to start changing on the inside – in your heart, your conscious mind, and your subconscious thoughts and desires.

If it's not automatic, it'll feel like work and a chore you have to do – and pretty soon, you'll abandon everything to crawl back into your comfort zone. I'm not going to let that happen to you. I'm like a Marine – I won't leave my men behind and I'm dragging you to the finish line if it kills me!

I'm not going to get all sappy here and say you have to truly believe in yourself to find sheer happiness. This stuff isn't for dreamers and wishful thinkers – it's for people who say, "Come hell or high water, I'm going to be successful – starting TODAY!"

What Drives Your Inner Spirit?
Do you remember back in high school when you'd go to a football game and cheer the team on with more spirit than anyone else? You'd scream, stomp your feet, chant with the cheerleaders, and wave things in the air.

Who's doing that for you today?
Inside your mind, there's a spirit rally ready to take place. But right now, everyone's bored. They're asleep. They're waiting for you to take to the field and get ready to make a touchdown.
Are you even in uniform yet? Are you ready to attract success or are you doing everything you can to keep it hidden and out of sight so that nothing rocks your safe little boat? If you never align yourself with greatness, then you'll stay mediocre. That's just a fact.

"Great men are they who see that the spirit's stronger than any material force."
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
It's not about seeing your money trickle in more and more each day. I was never broke, but money wasn't what made me finally feel success.
My success comes in the fact that I am in a pursuit to be a leader in my field. I'm creating products and solutions that help other people. I'm doing what I want to do – and oh yeah, it's beginning to show in my wallet too. But it's my spirit that drives my greatness, not my bank account.


You Have to Believe in the Unbelievable
If you shake your head in disbelief when someone has an "overnight success story," then you need a major attitude adjustment. Miracles aren't anything unattainable – they're just what occur when people take the reigns and make success happen manually.
Right now, I want you to set an intention for today. It needs to be something attainable, because you don't want to set yourself up for failure. It might be to get someone to agree to a Joint Venture with you for an upcoming site launch.

Once you think of an intention, also known as a "goal," you then need to help the seed grow into a blossoming opportunity. You can't just toss it out there and expect good things to happen.
So how would you nurture that intention into a reality? Well first you'd sit down and draft a letter to the people you'd like to partner with. You'll want to create an offer that won't be met with a "No." Then you have to actually send the offer out to the people and wait for a reply.

Most people have a goal to partner with someone, but they do nothing more than whine and complain about needing it on a message board forum – hoping someone else will take the initiative to pick them up off the ground and say, "Oh, I'll save you!"
As you work toward your goal, you have to know exactly what it's that you want. You don't want people coming back with JV offers that don't meet your needs or expectations, forcing you to settle.

Settling is for failures.

********Continue Reading - Core of Your Heart’s Desires - Part Two********

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