Core of Your Heart Desires - Part Two - Infinity.You.Soul

This blog is to bring mental peace and positivity towards our surrounding

Saturday 20 January 2018

Core of Your Heart Desires - Part Two

"Whether you think you can or whether you think you can't, you're right!"
~Henry Ford
You have to be open to good things happening to you. If you drafted and distributed your JV offer tonight, would you be shocked or satisfied when you wake up tomorrow with all ten replies being an affirmative answer to your request?

Hopefully, you'd be satisfied because shocked people are still disbelievers – thinking it's a situation where lightening can never strike twice. You need to know that it's more along the lines of this is the norm for me.

When you become a magnet for good things, they'll always appear when you're seeking them – and even when you're not expecting them to happen.

Are You Miserable to Be Around?
Some people have no idea they reek of negativity. I personally don't hang around those kinds of people – the ones who get up and if the tiniest thing goes wrong in the morning, the rest of their day follows the same pattern.
You see, they make it happen that way. They expect bad things, so they welcome them into their life. I'm a positive thinker. If something goes wrong, I chalk it up to a lesson learned and I look forward to whatever the rest of the
day might bring into my world.

I seize opportunities from sunrise to sunset.
When I first started hob-knobbing with some 'net marketing gurus, I didn't stand there like a puppy dog whimpering to get their attention. I bulldozed my way into the conversation – never considering I had no right to be there.

Does this mean you jump on every bandwagon that comes into your view? No. You have to evaluate offers carefully – especially the more successful you become. People will start to bombard you with offers because they're seeking to align themselves with someone of higher success than themselves.
You can still say no to plenty of things, but make sure it's not because you're simply dismissing it as something ridiculous or too good to be true.


The Law of Attracting What Is Rightfully Yours
You've probably heard of the famous Laws of Attraction. But I want you to focus on being selfish for a minute. Instead of just attracting random things, consider what you're entitled to.

"Within you is the divine capacity to manifest and attract all that you need or desire."
~Wayne Dyer

Have you worked twenty years in the corporate world and feel they owe it to you to pay you a larger salary? This type of person isn't attracting wealth – they're slamming the door on it.
This is what I mean when I talk about building your success from the inside out. You simply can't create success out of cash. True success is driven by a certain mindset. And if you don't have it yet, you can get it.

I was talking to a friend about this idea one day at lunch and he said, "I'm too set in my ways – you can't change the way someone thinks!" What a load of crap, I thought to myself.
He's just scared to change. He didn't know any other way, so I had to introduce him to it. Changing your mindset is as easy as getting a new set of wheels on your car. You make the decision to change them. You have the bad wheels removed. And then you drive on the new wheels every day after that.

From this very second on, you have to think through the laws of attraction. Not you will be rich. You're rich. You're successful. You do have a great life. Live it and it will materialize.
You don't need permission – from me or anyone else. Just do it. You're a grownup – make your own decisions and stop looking to everyone else to give you a big pat on the back.

********Continue Reading - Core of Your Heart’s Desires - Part Three********

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