Come Forth As Gold - Infinity.You.Soul

This blog is to bring mental peace and positivity towards our surrounding

Monday 26 March 2018

Come Forth As Gold


Text: "But he know the the way I take: when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold." Job 23:10

We looked at something similar to this a couple of days ago (Work in progress). The gold is a precious metal that goes through various degrees of high temperature to purify it and bring out the best in it.

The gold never gets destroyed by the high temperature but rather comes out purer and more valuable. The market value actually increases as the purity increases.

The challenges of life are supposed to be a furnace through which our character, tenacity and strength are refined and purified so that we can become the best God wants us to become.

#The experiences of Job actually brought out the best in his life.

#The challenges in the life of Joseph made him a better person well suited to function along side with Pharaoh in the Egyptian palace.

1. Coming forth as gold will require that we see every challenge of life as an opportunity to learn and grow. 👉We’ll no longer see challenges as a barrier but rather as a stepping stone.

2. Having an attitude of thanksgiving in the face of contrary situations will also help us to come forth as gold. Murmuring and complaining will bring out the worst from us rather helping us to come forth as gold. In whatever situation we find ourselves we must judge God faithful. This is one major thing that Job did. He declared that his redeemer was still alive.

3. Coming forth as gold will also require that we make up our minds not to give up in the face of contrary situations. Once you give up you have relinquished the privilege of coming forth as gold.

Coming forth as gold simply means coming out better, bigger and brighter than the point of entry into the challenge. It all depends on your attitude in the "fire".

I am coming forth as gold in every challenge of life. I refuse to give up in whatever situation of life I find myself.

LEARN MORE: James 1:2-4

PRAYER REQUEST: Lord open the eyes of your people afresh today to behold wondrous things of your word. Psalms 119:18

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