Core Of Your Heart Desire - Part Three - Infinity.You.Soul

This blog is to bring mental peace and positivity towards our surrounding

Saturday 20 January 2018

Core Of Your Heart Desire - Part Three

Reprogramming for Your Rockefeller Mentality
You're about to create what you want out of life. You create your moods, you create the actions you take, and you create the results of every thought you have.

When you get up every morning, the world is going to mirror what you give out.
If you're a miserable old coot who can't stand anyone, then nobody will stand you, either.
If you're a happy, positive person who likes everyone, then everyone will like you, too.

How many people do you know right now who talk about the good things in life on a regular basis? Most people stand hunched over the water cooler at work complaining about things, griping about their jobs, their lovers, or life in general.
They wallow in their misery and adhere strictly to the old saying misery loves company. If you want good things to happen to you, you need to start aligning yourself with people whose values reflect your own positive ideas and intentions.

"Next to doing the right thing, the most important thing is to let people know you're doing the right thing."
~John D. Rockefeller
Act like you have succeeded. Don't just believe in your own head. You have to show the universe your intentions if you want to attract the same kind of success.
You might not even have a negative mindset, but one where you're simply stuck in the same rut. You can't fly high if you're mired in quicksand. Sometimes you have to believe that you're as good as a guru to attract the same status.

Prove Me Wrong
Earlier I told you to write down your intention for the day. Have the negative thoughts already crept in? Did you silently start thinking, "I'm a nobody, so no one will want to partner with me."
Turn it around right now. Come up with a positive statement about why they WILL accept your offer. Not just one of them, but all 10. Instead of thinking, "I don't want to embarrass myself with these offers," I want you to think, "I want to get 10 positive replies to my email."

Stop "what-iffing" yourself to death.
Your goals shouldn't all be about money. They can be things or actions you want to take. Maybe you want to drive a new sports car. Set your intention to go for it and get it. You will act as if it has to happen – and everything you do will work toward your success.

It's going to happen to you...for you. I want you to prove me wrong. Set a big intention and work hard to attain it. But you have to cut out all of your old excuses. Go for more than you would be happy with. If you want a three-bedroom house, shoot for a four-bedroom house with a pool in the backyard,

Don't put any restrictions on yourself. No limits. You have freedom now. You never had it in this capacity before because you created an invisible fence that kept you from ever experiencing your dreams.


The chains are gone.
You're no longer going to focus on changing things around you – other people, your workplace, etc. You're going to change yourself. You already have. It's a done deal.
You'll visualize your success each and every day. You will live life as if you already have a better paying job, the wife you want, or the admiration of all of your co- workers, friends, and family.

You're bringing your guts to the surface so you can revel in the glory. From now on, whatever you want – you HAVE TO HAVE. No ifs, ands, or buts. No settling. No substituting. You want it all and you will get it. Because if you don't, you can't live without it – and that's not acceptable, is it?
Now I'm going to reinforce this idea by showing you why you're your own worst enemy. You're probably limiting your growth potential and I want you to see that there's no glass ceiling to your potential.

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