Armor Of Ignorance - Part One - Infinity.You.Soul

This blog is to bring mental peace and positivity towards our surrounding

Sunday 21 January 2018

Armor Of Ignorance - Part One

I know what you're thinking. Now, I'm calling you emotional and ignorant. Well, yes and no. You didn't know any better before and now you do, so there's no turning back. After this point, you will be aware of ignorance.

Since you were born, you have been shielded in this armor of ignorance. It's an ignorance of money, wealth, happiness, and anything else good in life. Unfortunately, it has become a way of life to keep people from success.

Your emotional perceptions are linked to your subconscious. Like a sponge, your subconscious has soaked up everything you know about money, wealth, and success. I mean everything, including what you were taught, what you heard, and what you saw.
How you were raised and how you perceive prosperity will play a large part in the amount of wealth that you accumulate. Unfortunately, when it comes to emotions and logic, your subconscious will always side with your emotions.

Therefore, your job is to not only understand that money is not evil, but you have to actually believe it.

People, who are without, want you to believe that ignorance is bliss, but that is only because they are without. They use this ignorance as a shield or blinders. Remove the armor, the shield, the blinders, or whatever is holding you back.
This is no longer your case, so get over it. You now know that the secret to true happiness – be it money, wealth, family, or whatever – is knowledge.
Knowledge is power.

Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity."
~Martin Luther King, Jr.
Parts of your emotional perceptions are controlled by NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming). NLP relates to the organization of human perception and cognition of systematic patterns, which interact to create subjective reality and human behaviors.
Basically, NLP allows you, a person seeking change, a path through an unfamiliar landscape.

You now have a goal, which you lack a way to reach, but are able to conceptualize.
So what does this mean for you? It's not as complicated as it seems. I would never do that to you. All it means is that you can make your goal a reality as long as you continue to visualize it in a positive manner.

I'm sure your next question is,
"how does this help me?" NLP enables you to step outside the situation and visually size up your situation and others around you. This will help you to make your next move.
If you're thinking that you don't really understand what I'm saying right now, it's okay. NLP is a New Age kind of thinking and not everyone agrees on it, but it does have some valuable ideas, which include the fact that you have total control over your thoughts and your thoughts will transpire into your future.


So where does that leave us?
Breaking Down the Barriers and Myths
It leaves us ready to break down some thought barriers that separate the millionaires from the rest of the world. Your riches begin in the form of your thoughts and right now, your thoughts say failure. We can change this.

The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. This is the most logical one to start with right now. Taking everything we've talked about, why do you think this is? It's because of your frame-of-mind. The poor are not thinking outside their circumstances.
I'm not saying that falling on hard times is specifically a result of your thoughts, but everyone has hard times. Everyone. It's how you react to those times that define who you're.

We'll take the example of Donald Trump again. He was poor, then rich, then poor, and now insanely rich. So where does he fall into this myth? Is he one of the rich getting richer or the poor getting poorer?
I say he's a man creating his own destiny. He can see what he wants and he can make it happen, just by believing. He was not afraid of becoming bankrupt and he learned from that lesson in his life.

********Continue Reading - Armor Of Ignorance - Part Two********

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