Courage Lets You Chase Opportunities - Part 1 - Infinity.You.Soul

This blog is to bring mental peace and positivity towards our surrounding

Tuesday 23 January 2018

Courage Lets You Chase Opportunities - Part 1

Courage Lets You Chase Opportunities

Are You Set to Succeed?
As I've said before, you hold the power within yourself and that power is greater than the power of the universe. You can create your destiny. There's nothing that you cannot do or be or have.
Are you ready for success?
Have you reconditioned the way you think?
Are you absolutely ready to commit to a lifetime of wealth?

I think you're there and I think you know that you're there, so it's time to make sure that your path is not blocked by "obstacles". To know for sure, you need to decide what type of person you're.

Are you a half- full or half-empty kind of person?
Are you afraid that what you do have is depleting or are you confident that it will continue to grow?
The way you look at the things in your life (and I don't just mean being positive), will determine your level of success.

What are you going to do to ensure that it does grow?
You Choose: Obstacles or Opportunities?
You create the path that you take in life. Every issue along the way can be an opportunity or an obstacle that you cannot overcome. Here's the difference. Poor people see every issue as an obstacle and rich people see every issue as an opportunity. While the poor person says, "I can't" a rich person says, "I can and I will".

"I always tried to turn every disaster into an opportunity."
~John D. Rockefeller
Every "I can't" or "I'm not" is an obstacle. I'm not good enough. I can't do this. I'm not smart enough. It can't be true. I'm not going to make it. I can't afford to lose what I have. I'm not the first one with this product. I can't sell. I'm not like the rest of them. I'm not, I can't, I'm not…blah blah blah. Poor pitiful you…and I do mean poor!
These are brick walls that you're putting up in front of your goal. Stop! You'll face enough hurdles without adding your own to the process. Replace the "I'm not's" with the "I am's" and the "I can't's" with the "I cans". I think that you'll find your road is a much smoother ride when you do.
Once again, we are drawn back to the "like attracts like" theory. If you take a situation and make an opportunity out of it, you will continue to have more opportunities. If you turn your situation into an obstacle, it will continue to create more obstacles for you and you will never succeed.

Are you starting to see how important it's to not only think positively, but also with confidence and determination?
Decide What You Want, Believe You Can Have It, and Believe that You Deserve It. Take some time and decide what it's that you want.

Do you want to be independently wealthy?
Do you want to run your own business?
Do you want to learn to manage your time and/or your finances?
What is it that you're seeking?
Now, believe that you can have it, because you can! There's no reason that you cannot. All you have to do is make it happen. Once you focus on what you want, rather than what you don't want, you can start to take action.
It's quite simple, really. Your focal subject will determine what becomes of your life. If you focus on wealth, you will get wealth. If you focus on success, you will get success. But, if you focus on debt, you will get debt.
If you focus on failure, you will fail.


"Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared believe that something inside of them was superior to circumstances"
~Bruce Barton
You deserve the good that is going to come to you and damn it, it's about time that you start believing it. I'm so tired of people feeling sorry for them selves and filling their lives with one excuse after another. That's crap!
Everyone has problems, but it's how you handle those problems that define who you're. Don't play the part of a victim. Being a victim only does harm to you. The most common though for a victim is "poor me" and once again, "like attracts like" and "poor me" continues to be a poor me.

People who play the part of a victim seek attention more than wealth. They feel the world can do no right by them.
They blame, complain, and justify.

Do you know any victims?
Now, I'm not saying it's you...but, I'm not saying it's not either. Victims are great at the blame game and do you know the first target on their blame list?
It always goes back to their parents. Your parents work hard to raise you and do the best they can by you and the first thing you do as a "victim" is blame them. I mean seriously, short of doing harm to you, there's no reason to blame them. It's not doing anyone any good. Learn from it and move on!
Victims are also aces at complaining; and we all know complaining is contagious. It can spread like wild-fire and is harder to stop than the plague. Complaining is bad, bad stuff.

********Continue Reading - Courage Lets You Chase Opportunities - Part 2 ********

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