Man Becomes What He Thinks About - Part One - Infinity.You.Soul

This blog is to bring mental peace and positivity towards our surrounding

Monday 22 January 2018

Man Becomes What He Thinks About - Part One

It's All For Nothing If You Ever Give In and Give Up

Man Becomes What He Thinks About
You came to me wanting a billionaire mindset. That is what you should think about and what you will become. Obviously this is not going to happen over night. It's going to take time and it's going to take effort, but it can be done.
It's important that you don't slip into a negative frame-of-mind. I cannot stress the "like attracts like" theory enough. If you don't believe me, try it for yourself. You'll find that when you don't believe, nothing works for you because you've given up.
But, when you do believe, doors begin to open for you. Things go right. Things happen as they are meant to happen.

"Imagine where you will be, and it will be so…"
~Maximus, from Gladiator
This isn't to say that you should spend all of your time just thinking of where you want to be. In fact, it's better if you don't "think" about it every day. By now, what you want to should constantly be in your subconscious, working its own magic.
By adopting the "I am rich" way of thinking, you change your whole outlook in life. The rich don't believe that there's anything they cannot do, if they don't want to. The world is in their hands.
And now, it's in yours.

Every "I'm Not" is a Creation
Remove the phrase, "I'm not" from your mind. Even when you try to use it in a positive manner, you're sending the universe the wrong message. Instead, create a new phrase.
The ability to redirect your thoughts in a positive manner will help you to exceed in life. Try saying (out loud) these statements to yourself. Which one feels better to say? Can you feel the difference? Instead of saying, "I'm not going to be poor anymore." Try, "I am already rich."
Instead of saying, "I'm not making any money." Try, "I am making money."
Instead of saying, "I'm not smart enough to make this happen." Try, "I am an expert at getting the wealth I deserve."

What is the point of all of this?
Sometimes what you say really isn't what you want to say. Your subconscious is trying to interpret what you're saying at all times. You cannot just have a positive thought every now and again and expect to get anywhere.
You cannot just think, "I can do this" …and then follow up with an "I'm not sure this is going to work." Your subconscious isn't falling for your pity party. It's just trying to do what you think of the most.

"A man is but the product of his thoughts; what he thinks, he becomes."
~Mahatma Gandhi
This type of thinking confuses the universe. It takes your first thought and says, "So you wish it, so it shall be." Then it takes your negative thought, and says, "Your wish is my command." When you go back and forth from positive to negative, your subconscious is sending the universe mixed message.
It's trying its best to keep up, but at some point the universe is going to say, "Make up your damn mind. Do you want to be rich or not? Do you have a billionaire mindset or not?"


When You Have Inspired Thought, You Have to Trust it; You Have to Act on It
People who don't have a billionaire mindset don't trust in themselves. They don't believe that they can turn their dreams into realities, so they settle. They try and wait for someone else to do it for them.
The perfect example of this is playing the lottery. Seriously, so many people play the lottery in hopes that this piece of paper will change their lives forever.

They spend so much of their time, money, and effort on a "one in a million" chance. That's not to say that rich people don't play the lottery or that it's not possible to win.
It's. People win all of the time. They win millions.

But they don't have a billionaire mindset and before long, their winnings have dwindled and they are right back to where they started from. How sad is that?
Instead of leaving your life up to chance, use your billionaire mindset to your advantage. Trust yourself when you have an inspired thought. Trust yourself enough to act on it.

********Continue Reading - Man Becomes What He Thinks About - Chapter Two ********

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