Man Becomes What He Thinks About - Chapter Two - Infinity.You.Soul

This blog is to bring mental peace and positivity towards our surrounding

Monday 22 January 2018

Man Becomes What He Thinks About - Chapter Two

Answer these questions:
1) That the difference between can and cannot will change the direction of your life. Are you going to give three little letters that kind of power?
2) Poverty, mediocrity, and riches begin in your mind. Which one will you choose?
3) To have positive thoughts is good, but it's not enough. You must have positive feelings and positive actions as well. Do you think or do you know what you can accomplish?
4) You're standing at a crossroads right now. One way leads to a rich and luxurious life. The other way leads you down the same path you're currently on in life. Do you take the road less traveled?
5) You can train your mind to believe that anything is "possible" and "can be done", but the question remains, do you really want to? You're the Only One Who Creates Your Reality

There's only one person who can create your reality and that person is YOU. All of the books, seminars, tapes, etc. in the world will not help you if you don't decide what you want.
The Process of Manifestation will help you to create your reality and the process is really quite simple. Taking everything you have learned so far, put this process into motion. You'll be surprised at the results.

Thoughts create feelings. Feelings create actions. Actions equal results.
What does this mean?
It means that results are part of a process.
To create the right process, you must first consider where your thoughts come from. What are your feelings? What actions are those feelings creating? What results do your actions give you?

From a positive standpoint, this process couldn't get any better. It's the perfect formula for success. As long as you're conditioned to be positive that you will succeed, your every thought, feeling, and action will reflect this state-of-mind.
From a negative standpoint, this process is going to make things tough on you. But my guess is that things already are. If you're conditioned to be negative, your every thought will be a doubt, feeling will be resistance, and action will be a failure.

"I guess if a person never quit when the going got tough, they wouldn't anything to regret for the rest of their life… I'm sure this decision won't haunt you forever."
~Lance Armstrong, from Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story
Regret is exactly what you will feel if you give up now...and the "what ifs" will haunt you for the rest of your life. You will always wonder if you could have done it or what went wrong. I can tell you what went wrong.


Everything in the Universe is Energy
You weren't prepared to weather all of the storms during your journey.
Yes, a positive mindset will help you on your way to becoming a billionaire, but you will still face challenges. It's those challenges that determine the people who "want" and the people who "commit".
Everything you do creates energy in the world. Complaining, justifying, whining and all of those things create negative energy. That negative energy follows you around wherever you go. As I'm sure you know, negative energy is hard to shake.

Your best bet is to stick with the positive
Make it your goal to remain positive throughout the whole day. Keep a record of "negative" stumbling blocks that you encounter during your day. Note what you did during the situation and what you could do better.

Remove yourself from negative people and situations
By surrounding yourself with positive people and situation, you will find it easier to remain positive yourself. Join a group of people that will help you remain positive no matter what comes your way. There are always going to be people who try to bring you down.
If they cannot have success, they don't want anyone else to have it either. You might be able to convince some of these people that they can have success if they change their outlook on life.

Even though you feel good about yourself and you want to help others, remember to pick your battles. Not everyone wants the help and if you try to help those who don't want help, they might bring you down with them. You've got your own plan going. Don't let the wrong people distract you from that.

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